Files made using Chris Hills's MidiPlay .

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Here are links to the URLs - the Website addresses - for the various Works we'll be singing this term. Click on them, and you'll be taken to the relevant page of the main Website, from which you can access/download the desired Midi files for the individual Pieces.

J S Bach's Magnificat in D.

The Website pages contain links to Midi files for all the parts (Soloists included). You can listen to them either using a Midi Player, such as "MidiPlay" (see below), or instead using Choral Music Tutor ("CMT"), which is a web app that plays Midi files. Choral Music Tutor runs on any device - any Desktop PC (Windows or Mac), Tablet (Android or iPad) or Smartphone (Android or iPhone) - that can browse the internet. It is not an app that you have to download or install.

And if something doesn't work properly, please let me know (see the "Comments" section of my Homepage).