Files "cleaned" Nov/10

J S Bach

Passion according to St Matthew

There is an excellent performance of this Work starting here.

Here is a "clickable" Table of the available Midi Files for this Work (these were all originally keyed in from a very old version of the buff Atkins 1938 Novello score - similar to the green Novello score - NOT the older Troutbeck Novello score, and NOT the modern Jenkins "New Novello" score)

Note that, regardless of what the Score may say about Choir 1 and Choir 2, in the Files below the "Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass" columns include all those Voices' parts (including those pieces when one or other Choir is singing by itself), while the "Soprano 2/Alto 2/Tenor 2/Bass 2" columns only include those parts where the two Choirs sing different things. So, if you're in Choir 1, use the first set, while if you're in Choir 2, use the first set either when you're singing the same thing as the first Choir - as in the Chorales - or when you're singing on your own (as in No: 26), and use the second set when you're singing with the first Choir but doing your own thing (as in No: 1)!

Part 1 is immediately below. Part 2 is on the next page

St Matthew Passion - Part 1
- Novello text & structure
Soprano  Alto  Tenor  Bass  Soprano 2  Alto 2  Tenor 2  Bass 2  UNemphasized
- German text and original structure
1: Prologue yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 1 Chorus: Kommt, irh Töchter

The Announcement of the Passion

2: When Jesus had finished
None None None None None None None None 2 Evangelist, Jesus: Da Jesus dies Red vollendet hatte
3: O blessed Jesu yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 3 Chorale: Herzleibster Jesu, was has du verbrochen

The Rulers conspire against Christ

4: Then assembled the chief priests
None None None None None None None None 4a Evangelist: Da versammeleten sich die Hohenpriester
5: Not upon the feast yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 4b Chorus: Ja nich auf das Fest

The Anointing at Bethany

6: Now when Jesus
7: To what purpose
yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 4c Evangelist: Da nun Jesus war zu Bethanien
4d Chorus: Wozu dienet diesr Unrat
8: When Jesus understood None None None None None None None None 4e Evangelist, Jesus: Da das Jesus Merkete
9: My Master & my Lord None None None None None None None None 5 Recitative: Du lieber Heiland du
10: Grief for sin None None None None None None None None 6 Aria: Buß und Reu

The treason of Judas

11: Then went one of the 12
None None None None None None None None 7 Evangelist, Jesus: Da ging hin der Zwölfen einer
12: Break in grief None None None None None None None None 8 Aria: Blute nur, du liebes Herz

The preparation of the Passover

13: Now the first day
None None None None None None None None 9a Evangelist: Aber em ersten Tage der süßen Brot
14: Where wilt thou yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 9b Chorus: Wo willst du, daß wir dir bereiten
15: And He said: Go ye yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 9c Evangelist, Jesus: Er sprach: Gehet hin in die Stadt
9d Evangelist: Und sie wurden sehr betrübt
9e Chorus: Herr, bin ichs
16: 'Tis I whose sin yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 10 Chorale: Ich bins, ich sollte büßen

The institution of the Eucharist

17: And he answered and said
None None None None None None None None 11 Evangelist, Jesus: Er antwortete und sprach
18: Although our eyes with tears None None None None None None None None 12 Recitative: Wiewohl mein Herz in Tränen schwimmt
19: Jesus, Saviour, I am Thine None None None None None None None None 13 Aria: Ich will dir mein Herze schenken

The Mount of Olives

20: And when they had sung
None None None None None None None None 14 Evangelist, Jesus: Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen hatten
21: Receive me, my Redeemer yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 15 Chorale: Erkenne mich, mein Hüter

Peter's denial foretold by Christ

22: Peter answered, and said
None None None None None None None None 16 Evangelist, Jesus, Peter: Petrus aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm
23: Here would I stand yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 17 Chorale: Ich will hier bei dire stehen
24: Then cometh Jesus None None None None None None None None 18 Evangelist, Jesus: Da kam Jesus mit ihnen zue einew Hofe
25: O grief! that bows yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 19 Recitative, Chorus: O Schmerz! hier zitteret das gequälte Herz
26: I would beside my Lord yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 20 Aria: Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen

Christ's prayer in the Garden

27: And he went farther
None None None None None None None None 21 Evangelist, Jesus: Und ging hin ein wenig
28: The Saviour, low ... bending None None None None None None None None 22 Recitative: Der Heilan fällt vor seinem Vater nieder
29: Gladly would I take upon me None None None None None None None None 23 Aria: Gerne will ich mich bequemen
30: And He cometh to His disciples None None None None None None None None 24 Evangelist, Jesus: Unde er kam zu seinen Jüngern
31: O Father, let Thy will be done yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 31: O Father, let Thy will be done

The betrayal and arrest

32: And He came and found them
None None None None None None None None 26 Evangelist, Jesus, Judas: Und er kam und fand sie aber schlafend

Christ is bound and led into the City

33: Behold, my Saviour now is taken
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 27a Aria: So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen
27b Chorus: Sind Blitze, sind Donner

The Disciples forsake Christ

34: And behold, one of them
None None None None None None None None 28 Evangelist, Jesus: Und siehe, einer aus denen

The Christian soul bewails the frailty of Mankind

35: O Man, thy grievous sin bemoan
yes yes yes yes Same Same Same Same 29 Chorale: O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß

That's the end of Part 1. Part 2 is on the next page

And if something doesn't work properly, please let me know (see the "Comments" section of my Homepage).

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Files originally uploaded in Dec/04.